歐盟續與摩洛哥簽訂漁業合作協定歐盟漁業委員長Maria Damanaki曾於今年2月建議就與摩洛哥原到期漁業合作協定暫時延期案,在歐盟27個會員國一致通過歐洲執委會(EC)提議與摩洛哥漁業協定期限延長至明年2月後塵埃落定。歐洲通訊室內設計社(Europa Press)報導,歐洲議會(EP)有意投票阻止該提案通過。EC發言人Oliver Drewes認為歐盟與摩洛哥漁業協定最終能否定案端看歐洲議會議員(MEP)的意向。最新協定內容除了新增要求摩國政府就歐盟基金提出使用說明(尤其是歐盟酒店經紀資金對社會經濟衝擊)外,皆與之前相同。合約期限4年的漁業協定將於明年2月到期,歐盟若想續約取得119艘漁船作業執照(101張為西班牙船隊所有),需支付摩洛哥14,400萬歐元入漁費。續約提案包含歐盟每年需支付3,660萬歐元取得酒店工作非洲國家水域的作業權。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 14/2011,1 Aug. 2011) Consensus to renew fisheries agreement with Morocco The 27 Member States of the European Union (EU) approved the proposal from the 酒店打工European Commission (EC) to extend until February next year the fishing agreement with Morocco.However, the decision of the European Parliament (EP) is still missing, which could block the implementation of 591the agreement should the entity vote against the proposal, the agency Europa Press reported.Now, the fisheries agreement with Morocco is 100 per cent in the MEPs’ hands. said the spokesman for EU Fisheries, 九份民宿Oliver Drewes.The new pact is similar to the previous one except for the fact that it includes a new provision requiring the Moroccan government to report on the use of EU funds and in particular on the 保濕面膜socioeconomic impact of EU funding.During the four years the fishing agreement, which expired in February, remained in force, the EU provided EUR 144 million to Morocco for 119 fishing licenses, of which 101 太平洋房屋corresponds to Spanish ships.The proposed extension involves the payment of an annual compensation of EUR 36.6 million by the EU for fishing rights in the African country.In February, the European Commissioner 酒店打工for Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, proposed a temporary time extension before the expiry of the previous pact

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